Romania is one of the most exceptional European countries. It is famous for fantastic mountains, beaches, ancient traditions and the most beautiful women in the world. American men tend to marry Romanian Brides because they are attractive, intelligent, and make great wives and mothers. These intercultural marriages become strong because both partners demonstrate mutual understanding and respect. By schooling themselves to patience, Romanian wife and American husband eventually ingrain these values in their children. As a result the family lives happily and children become more polite and erudite in comparison with their peers.

Why Are Romanian Women So Popular Among Foreigners?

Romanian WifeThe evolvement of the country in close connection with other nations left an imprint on their appearance and character. Romanians combine Orthodox Christian religion of Bulgaria, sweet character and calmness of Ukrainians, and love for music of Gypsies. Thus, Romanian girls from an early age become friendly and amiable people, who are ready to offer piece of advice in a complicated situation. Some tourists from Russia believe that Romanian girls remind Russians – similarly attentive and kind women.
Romanian women are famous for their hospitability, which bears resemblance to other Southerners. Although, the best way to feel their hospitability is to attend countryside. In rural area foreigners will be actively invited and served homemade wine and Slivovitsa – local specialty. Joyful and reckless Romanian women are generous and always glad to invite new guests and prepared to serve them the most delicious food.
In Romania the influence of church is quite strong. Maybe this is the reason for lower status of women in the society. That said, male dominance is often only delusive. These days, females get education, climb the career ladder and participate in decision-making process in every sphere of life.

Pros and Cons of Dating Romanian Lady

Romanian BridesThere are a few benefits of dating an Eastern European girl:

  • Romanian girls are resolute and motivated. Western guys like Eastern European girls. Many people think that the reason for that is Romanian beauty. However, these ladies are also very resolute. They would go a long way for their aim, and girls from other countries can’t compete with them.
  • Romanian girls know how to dress beautifully. Slavic girls look more attractive in comparison to Western ladies because they care about their appearance. There are many boutiques in Romania these days. So, women know how to choose fitting clothes that highlights their advantages. Make-up, clothes, fitness – girls use numerous tricks to look great.
  • Romanian girls are confident. They exaggerate own qualities and abilities. And, yes, it’s an advantage. Because thanks to this confidence Romanian girls can accomplish any goal.
  • Eastern European girls can get used to many things. Romanian girls are quite flexible and adapt easily. That’s why they marry foreigners and live abroad. Local brides can deal with any problem in live. If foreign husband has problems at work Romanian wife will support him and even agree to live in poverty. Western girls are not capable for this.
  • Romanians are not afraid of domestic chores. Maybe they don’t dream about spending time in the kitchen, but if they want they will gladly create comfort in a home for a significant other.

Below are a few disadvantages of these girls:

  • The major drawback of Romanian ladies is the lack of responsibility. Also, in Romania people are amazed by foreigner’s punctuality – the habit that is considered obligatory for Western countries. Romanians prove that time is the expansible notion.
  • Sullenness. Obviously, hospitability and openness are not demonstrated on the female faces. So, at times it can be easy to recognize Romanian girl abroad. Beautiful face with amazing make-up and sullen look. In fact, girls simply want to look serious, but often they appear to be a little bit arrogant.

Where To Find A Romanian Wife?

Romanian GirlsRomanian ladies are quite common people who are not afraid of domestic chores and know how to care about their husbands. That said, women like to attend cafes and night clubs. So, all a foreigner has to do is to stand a Romanian woman a nice dinner and tell her about his dream to start long-term relationship.
Another way to find a bride is to get acquainted with local men. Pay for their drinks and tell them about the purpose of a visit. New friends will happily introduce Americans to single ladies.
However, the easiest and most reliable way to meet a Romania mail order bride is to get registered on a dating site, where American men can find Romanian brides and get to know them better. As soon as 2 lovebirds understand that they are genuine soulmates and want to meet each other in person it can be arranged. American guy visiting his girlfriend in Romania will be provided an interpreter to make sure that the conversation goes smoothly.
Western men will find it interesting that weddings in Romania are important events, which can last up to 3 days. Even the most distant relatives come to the wedding. However, there is no need to worry about the costs of the marriage – the expenses will be partially compensated thanks to the numerous presents.

Cultural Differences

Greek, Slavic, English and Muslim cultures are combined in Romanian culture. This bright mix of national features of many countries creates unique atmosphere that impresses tourists. Like many Southern people Romanian brides can’t live without music. Traditional folklore songs are used as lyric, sacral and cradle songs. Historically agricultural Southern country in summer months is brightened with melodic songs of farmers, and many holidays traditionally trace back to field works.
Life in the country, however, extends beyond holidays and celebrations. Romania joined EU hoping for better quality of life. Yet, they still experience the same living conditions that pervaded the country years ago. Romanian women want better life for their children and they leave country to find better life abroad. Romanians can’t take care of kids in native country not because they are lazy. On the contrary, they are very hard-working and ready to work on 2 or even 3 jobs. However they are paid minimum wages and feel that in the other country their hard work can bring them many additional benefits.

Do’s And Don’ts Of Dating Romanian Girls

Romanian WomenWhat do women want? They want to find peaceful and safe place where they will be able to live, work and give birth to their children. Many locals believe that Romania is not the most developed country and females are looking forward to meeting foreigners and live abroad. At the same time, Romanians are unbelievably friendly and kind people, who stick to family values. There are many patriots among them, though nor very active ones. They are proud of their nation. While local girls can condemn their country, they get offended when foreigners criticize it. Romanian women adore their architectural monuments, as well as the military commanders and other famous people. Probably that is the reason why all streets in the cities are named after writers, musicians and artists.
Emotional drivers, Eastern European brides are calm and relaxed with their relatives and friends. Also, they are quite religious and superstitious. American boyfriends should bear this in mind.
One more tip: if a Western boyfriend wants to surprise local girl on the first date he is highly recommended to choose chocolate or other candies. Local girls have sweet tooth and they appreciate such presents.


Why are Romanian women so beautiful?

Many people believe that Romanians are the most beautiful females in Europe. It is hard to disagree with this statement looking at all the hot local girls that effortlessly scroll down the streets of their native cities. Girls have flamboyant appearance and unusual beauty thanks to the Romanian history and the number of other nations that have influenced female look.

What does a typical Romanian girl look like?

The typical female look incorporates chiselled features, feminine shape and the last but not the least – beautiful dark hair. Native women are females with straight noses and sharp facial features. Their eye brows are thin and chins are sharp. Many women are not particularly tall, and have quite impressive hips. Their bodies remind a guitar which has at all times been considered as the most sexy shape.

Why do Romanian brides want to marry men from abroad?

Romanians are among the prettiest ladies in Europe. They are well-educated, but that does not help them to have an adequate salary in country with bad economic situation. Many Romanians used to migrate to other states, such as United Kingdom. Yet, after Brexit they were forced to get back home to low wages and hard work. Marriage is a perfect way out. So, foreigner can choose a romanian girl who has already been working or studying in a foreign country. Thus, men will rest assured that she is ready to leave her country and won’t miss her motherland too much.

How to find a reliable Romanian web dating site?

In order to find a reliable dating service it is highly recommended to check all the pages of the sites, including the terms and conditions. Reputable site will genuinely help foreigners to facilitate communication with fiancées. All girls have to be real people, single and adult. In this way potential groom will rest assured that girls are also willing to fall in love and get married.

What’s the difference between Russian and Romanian women?

Romanian mentality is closer to Russian one. However, Romanian girls are more relaxed and easygoing in comparison with Russian females. Also, despite their shared Eastern European features Romanian girls are oftentimes brunettes with darker eyes. Russian girls are often light-eyed blondes. Also, Russian girls are mostly taller than Romanians.

What your life will look like in marriage with a Romanian woman?

Life of intercultural couple becomes spiritually rich. Romanian wife and American man will learn customs and traditions of each other, explore new world, history and culture. The relations in intercultural relations are always exciting; lovebirds have no time to be bored, because the couple has 2 motherlands, communicates with numerous friends and celebrates national holidays of both counties.