What do you know about Slovakia? Supposedly, not a lot. It is a small European country (its population is only 5.5 million) which is mostly known for beautiful mountainous views, authentic culture and beautiful people. In fact, Slovakian women are considered to be one of the sexiest and most beautiful in the whole world. A lot of foreigners come to this state in order to date local girls and eventually marry one of them. For this reason, numerous websites with top Slovakian mail order brides were created aimed to help foreign men in their search. In this article, you are going to find out more about Slovakian girls, their characteristics, advantages, and some general tips on how to date them and make them fall in love with you.

Advantages of Beautiful Slovakian Women

There are a few reasons why Slovakian women are so attractive to foreign men. Let’s clear them up.

  • As the majority of the Slavic people, Slovakian women have an overwhelming natural beauty. They are thin, have sexy figures, beautiful clear eyes, etc.
  • Also, they have a good style. You will never see a girl from Slovakia going out without makeup and stylish clothes. It does not mean that they only wear expensive brand clothes – no, Slovakian girls know how to look stunning even in casual clothes.
  • Attitude towards the family. Like their European peers, young Slovakian women for dating do not want to start a family too soon. They want to see the world, get unforgettable impressions, achieve some personal and professional goals, finish university and get a well-paid job before they have children. However, when the time comes and they start to think about their own family, Slovakian women take every relationship seriously. If she dates you, it means that she has serious intentions and dreams she wants to realize with you. So, if you are that lucky guy whom a Slovakian girl accepted to marry, your marriage will surely be long-lasting and happy.
  • This trait is very important for men as they expect their girlfriend or wife to be loyal and supportive. Luckily, Slovakian girlfriends are not interested in short term relationships, especially when they date a foreigner. Thus, once she has chosen you as a boyfriend or a husband, she will hold on you. Of course, you need to demonstrate loyalty and devotion, too, and do not take her attitude for granted – appreciate it, be grateful and your couple life will be happy.
  • Slovakian mail order brides are childishly romantic. In order to win her heart, you will need to buy her flowers, be a real gentleman, give small romantic gifts, kiss her in the cheek and the neck, etc. It will not be an easy hookup for you but be sure that you will be rewarded at the end.

Disadvantages of Slovakian Brides

In fact, there are no evident disadvantages of Slovakian mail order brides. However, there are some important things you need to be aware of before going to Slovakia. First of all, local girls might have some problems with English. The official language in the country is Slovakian, people are taught English in schools and universities but still, they are far from being fluent. So, try to make your date feel comfortable with you, try to understand her mode of thinking rather than the words she uses. Also, bear in mind some cultural differences you may encounter. Slovakia is a European state so the mindset of the local population is not that different from the American mindset. Nevertheless, some minor differences can occur when it comes to dating, sex, marriage, etc. Finally, it is crucial not to fall into the hands of the scammers. There are might all sort of scammers: women who are only interested in your money, girls who try internet dating just to find a guy from abroad and leave the country or those who only want to have a new experience, without any serious intentions. These cases are rather rare but still, it is always better to keep your eye on the ball.

Why American Men Like Hot Slovakian Girls?

Every year a lot of American single men go to Slovakia in order to meet their beautiful girlfriends from the online dating platforms. What factors influence their decisions and why their relationships turn out to be successful – you will find the answers below.

Girls in Slovakia are Beautiful but Humble

It is commonly known that the women from the Slavic states (Ukraine, Russia, Poland, etc) are extremely beautiful, and Slovakian women are not an exception. Their beauty is pure and natural, completed by simple makeup and a stylish outfit. At the same time, Slovakian brides for marriage are humble and sweet. This combination of beauty, style and modesty is just mind-blowing and that is why the American men appreciate Slovakian women.

A Slovakian Bride is Smart

In general, women in Slovakia are intelligent and highly educated. The majority of them have a university degree, many have studied abroad. In a Slovakian culture of nowadays, women have equal rights and responsibilities as men. Also, it is important to mention the emotional mentality, where Slovakian women are very strong. The scientists say that children inherit mental capabilities from their mothers – so, if you choose to have a Slovakian bride, your children will be smart emotionally and mentally.

Values of a Slovakian Bride

Finally, one of the most important things that attract the foreign men the most are the values Slovakian brides have. They include loyalty, family-orientation, kindness, romantic mindset, a mixture of traditional and modern views. Girls from Slovakia support their husband and never cheat on him. For them, the family is the basis of happy adult life and they are very devoted to their parents, husband and children.

Why Does Slovakian Woman Become a Mail Order Bride?

KsiushaLet’s discuss the reasons why Slovakian girls decide to create a profile on a dating platform and eventually marry a foreigner.

  • She is attracted to a particular nationality. Many women adore the French men because of the French language, Italians for romantic attitude and good cooking skills, hot-blooded Spanish men or handsome Americans. If she dates a foreigner, it means that she prefers him to the local guys.
  • She is looking for love and dating websites is a perfect place. In real life, people have different motivations while dating, they can fake feelings, take advantage of the others, etc. Slovakian dating site gathers thousands of single men and women who are interested in serious relationships.
  • She wants to get out of her comfort zone. Dating Slovakians is usual and therefore might not be that interesting. At the same time, dating a foreigner is an adventure, it is unusual, it requires the girl to get out of her comfort zone, be open-minded, etc. Girls are adventurous by nature so it explains everything.
  • She thinks that foreign men are more reliable. Slovakian wives are looking for someone they can trust, someone they can build plans with, create a family and live a happy life. Some Slovakian girls are persuaded that foreigners are more reliable partners that is why they sign up on the best online dating site.

5 Tips to Date with Hot Slovakian Women


  1. Be honest with her and yourself. Women can easily distinguish the lie from the truth. There is no reason to make up things about yourself – if she is a perfect match, she will love you the way you are.
  2. Give small gifts to make her heart melt. It may be flowers, jewellery (but not expensive), etc – use your imagination. Also, give her compliments – she will feel herself comfortable and thus will open up to you more quickly.
  3. Pay for her. In the Slovakian culture, it is a dating rule that a guy should pay for the girl he invites out. Sharing the bill may offend your foreign brides – it is not about money, it is about respecting her time and attention.
  4. Be a risk-taker. These Eastern beauties love guys who are not afraid of taking action and risks, if and when it is needed. Show to her that you are a proactive person, both in personal and professional life. Be the leader in your relationship, make her believe that with you, she will be in security and in comfort.
  5. Sell yourself. It is really important to be able to sell yourself, your qualities, personality traits, achievements, etc. Talk about your job, career prospects, your plans for the future, sports and activities you like, countries you visited or would like to visit, favourite meals, films, etc. If you want to win the heart of your beautiful Slovakian bride, be interesting and entertaining.

How to Marry a Slovakian Woman?

There are no substantial judicial problems when it comes to marrying a Slovakian woman. The country is a part of the European Union, the society and its judicial system are open to international marriages. However, some documents will be required in order to validate the marriage:

  1. ID cards or passports.
  2. Birth certificates.
  3. Proof of residence and citizenship.
  4. A document that certifies your marital status.
  5. If your bride lives abroad, she needs to submit a confirmation of her place of residence.

Once you have all the necessary documents, you need to go to the local Registry Office and submit an application. At the wedding ceremony, the presence of a certified interpreter is obligatory if you do not speak the Slovakian language. Finally, you will have to pay an administration fee – 70 euros.

To Sum Up

If you decide to find love abroad, Slovakia is one of the best destinations. Women in this country are beautiful, sexy, loyal, family-oriented and will make your life a hundred times happier. You can start from online dating platforms and then book a trip to Slovakia to meet the best candidates. Remember: you can find your second half right now, at this moment, you do not need to wait, become better, find a well paid job, etc. Make the first step now – and you will appreciate this moment when your life changed completely.