Serbia is a small Slavic country situated in Europe, bordered by Romania, Hungary, Croatia and a few other states. The official language is Serbian, but the Hungarian is also widely spoken. The majority of the Serbs are Christians with the number of the Orthodox Christians overpassing largely the number of the Catholics. The country’s population is only around 7 million people.

Serbia is known for its good-looking cities and landscapes, authentic culture and cuisine, friendly people and beautiful women. Indeed, Serbian girls astonish by their natural beauty, sexy bodies, character and personality traits. Need some extra information about top Serbian mail order brides? Then, you are in the right place.

Advantages of Beautiful Serbian Women

A lot of single men from all over the world come to Serbia in order to find a bride. A logical question arises as to why they are so attracted by these women? What is so special about them and whether they really deserve their reputation? Let’s try to answer the questions by providing you with the main advantages of dating Serbian girlfriends. Julia

  • Amazing look. Serbian women are just impeccable when it comes to figures, makeup, style. While dating an ordinary Serbian girl, you will have an impression that you are dating a model: no matter where you are going, a luxurious restaurant or a supermarket at the corner, she will dress well and look just great.
  • She’s motivated to marry a foreigner. Many young women from Serbia would gladly accept to leave the country and start a new life somewhere abroad, ideally in the United States. Thus, if a girl creates an account on an internet dating website, she is determined to find a good, caring, responsible guy and she will do everything needed to keep up your relationship.
  • Strong character. Serbian girls, as the Slavic women in general, have a strong character. They can easily take care of themselves and live through difficult situations – they simply got used to it because the economical and social conditions in Serbia are not always on top. So, if you marry a Serbian bride, be sure that she does not expect you to solve all her problems.
  • Her lifestyle. The majority of Serbian women have a job and continue to work after marriage. However, they are able to keep a work-life balance and thus, you will never get bored while dating/living with a girl from Serbia. They like going out, shopping, travels, nightclubs, etc – this will be a great experience for you!
  • Traditional views. In Serbian culture, marriage and family are the most important things for a girl. As a consequence, Serbian women take each relationship seriously as they do not want to waste their time on people who do not deserve it.

Disadvantages of Serbian Brides

The biggest problem of dating a Serbian girl might be a language barrier. It might be difficult for her to express herself in English, especially at the beginning of the relationship. To make her feel more comfortable, you can learn some basics of the Serbian language – she will be agreeably surprised. Also, you should always keep your ears open because you may encounter some scammers who are only interested in your money and your passport. If a Serbia woman asks you to buy her something (at the begging, it might be some small things like a dress, jewellery, underwear, etc, but the appetite grows with eating), you need to pay attention to her behavior, try to understand her motivation and give up on her immediately if your suspicions are confirmed.

Why American Men Like Hot Serbian Girls?

It is true that Serbian women are very popular among American men. What is the reason why the Americans make hundreds of miles to visit this small European country and find love here? Let’s take a deep look at it.

Serbian Brides for Marriage are Good Mothers and Wives

An overwhelming majority of Serbian girls are family-oriented. As it has been already mentioned, they all have a job but the career is not their number one priority. Instead, they are focused on finding a good man with whom they can start a family and raise children. Serbian women are very close with their children, they have a special devotion to them that is difficult to find elsewhere. It is really unbelievable to see how these Eastern beauties transform from hot and sexy singles to caring and loving mothers and wives.

Serbian Mail Order Brides are Interested in the American Guys

American men have a great reputation in Serbia. They are considered to be handsome, strong, easy-going, open-minded, wealthy. At the same time, Serbia is a rather poor state where workers have low wages and the population tends to leave the country in order to find a well-paying job abroad. Thus, Serbian women would gladly agree to date an American guy and eventually go to the US or other developed country. Once in Serbia, you will not lack attention from the opposite sex – even more, you will have much more chances to date an amazing girl with a great body than back in your native country. Being an American gives you a headstart but it is up to you to use it wisely and effectively.

Serbian Women for Dating are Just Very Beautiful

You will hardly see a Serbian girl in a public place without makeup or badly dressed. Women here know how to take care of themselves and they just have a stunning appearance – it’s a genetic code, nothing else. Every man wants to have a beautiful wife, it is natural. Even though looks are not everything, they have a major impact on the first impressions and in this aspect, Serbian girls have a good score.

Why Does Serbian Woman Become a Mail Order Bride?

There might be different reasons why Serbian women decide to become mail order brides. First of all, they want to try international dating and go out of their comfort zone. Secondly, Serbian girls are just more attracted to foreigners than to the local guys. It is a common situation in a range of Eastern European countries like Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, etc. Thirdly, they do not want to waste time on men who do not meet their requirements. All of us have some conditions our boyfriends/girlfriends must meet in order to engage in a serious relationship. It may be that a Serbian girl has some problems in finding a good candidate within her social circle so she looks elsewhere to find what she is looking for.

5 Tips to Date with Hot Serbian Women

Need some information on how to date Serbian girls? Check the tips below. Anna

  • Pay the bills if you ask her out. Girls in Serbia are not used to sharing the bills while they are out with a man. In their opinion, they give you the most important thing they has – their time and attention, in exchange you are supposed to cover all expenses. Do not forget about the difference in salaries between the US and Serbia. If you do not want to spend a lot – you can just choose mid-range restaurants and bars (in any case, prices in Belgrade are very reasonable as for an American. Ideally, you should avoid talking about money at all.
  • Be patient. By being patient, you will prove to hIM that you have serious intentions and plans for a long-term relationship.
  • Respect her culture. It is crucial because by respecting the local culture you respect your girlfriend as the personality. Besides, understanding of other cultures would help you to see the world from a different view and thus become better.
  • Avoid talking about politics and especially the war. The Yugoslav wars were bloody conflicts between neighboring countries in the region that took place only 20 years ago. Until today, the relationships between those countries (Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, etc) are quite uneasy so just try to avoid talking about it.
  • Make a good impression on her parents. If you are planning to marry a Serbian girl, you need to get an agreement from her parents, especially from the father. Show to them that you are responsible, trustful, have a good job and a permanent income and the most important – that you love their daughter.

How to Marry a Serbian Woman?

If you want to have a Serbian wife, you need to follow a special marriage procedure. EugeniiaAccording to the official website of the US Embassy in Serbia, you firstly need to make an application at the municipal registrar’s office. The marriage itself can take place 3-4 days after the application and all required documents have been provided. The list of documents include:

  1. Statement that your partner is free to marry – can be made at the US Consular Office in Belgrade.
  2. Your US passport and proof of the American citizenship.
  3. Birth certificate.
  4. Proof that your previous marriage(s) is terminated.
  5. A special certificate given by the US Consular Officer that your marriage contracted in Serbia will also be valid in the United States.

The marriage certificate is generally issued in the national language and translated into English. In order to use the document in the US, you need to certify it with an apostille, according to the Hague Convention.

To Sum Up

Serbian wives are quite popular among the American men for numerous reasons: they are beautiful, family-oriented, have strong characters, independent and they are looking for love abroad. If you are interested in foreign brides, Serbians in particular, then find a reliable Serbian dating site and start your search. Besides, in order to find out what is the best online dating site, read some reviews on the internet on subject-related websites and forums. Find a Serbian bride online and when the time comes book a trip to Belgrade or another Serbian city and meet her in person. This trip will not only help you to find love but will also make you discover this wonderful country with its authentic culture and enjoyable people. By the way, the cost of living in Serbia cannot be compared to that in the United States so you won’t spend more than your ordinary monthly budget. Taking all of this into account, Serbia is one of the best destinations to find a bride and chill out. So, grab your chance to change your life and find happiness!